Your business does more than produce or sell widgets or a service. You are providing jobs while meeting a market demand that may have originated to solve a need for a personal family member.
You may be donating a percentage of sales or profits to a cause where you have a passion to serve. One friend opened his business because his vendor in that category failed to deliver quality service and just didn’t care. That friend opened his company the next day and is now the category leader. That original vendor is… no longer around.
Every business has a WHY and it’s often deeper and more intense than you may have explained to anyone in the past.
Fletch will help you discover your WHY… and then move on to the HOW.
Every business’ HOW is distinctively different. What works for a new car dealer does not even resemble the effective strategy for a financial institution or mineral rights firm.
There does tend to be a single common denominator: Proactive community engagement. The most successful businesses invest in their communities through their energy, their financial resources, and their team.
Disney had it right when he said that emotions dramatically influence decision-making. The more that a prospective customer respects and admires you, the more that prospect is to trust you as their partner vendor. These are the “Things We Do”