Here Bob and I are at the AgTexas Farm Credit corporate office in Lubbock, taking a break between AgYouth scholarship banquets to honor graduating seniors in 4-H and FFA. What an awesome friend and inspiration Bob is in my life!
Last week, I mailed a copy of the inspiring book, “When God Winks at You” to my friend, pro rodeo announcer Bob Tallman. I called Bob on Monday as he was leaving his ranch near Weatherford. He was driving with a friend to his next rodeo in Reno, Nevada. I called that afternoon to wish him safe travels and shared a prayer for them.
Bob called me yesterday to share a “God Wink” with me. He and his friend Jim were riding in Bob’s bus (yes, a big bus because they live in that vehicle when they travel far away for an extended period of time), and they had a tire blow out within an hour of my prayer. They pulled onto the edge of I-40 to inspect what had happened.
Bob called AAA for roadside assistance and AAA said he would need to be towed to Fort Worth (eight hours in the wrong direction) to replace the tire, and sand there was no other option. While Bob was on the phone with AAA, Jim Googled the nearest town – Tucumcari, New Mexico (population around 5,000), which has only one tire store.
And THAT tire store “happened” to have ONE tire that perfectly matched Bob’s bus.
Bob called me to share his excitement about this God Wink, which took only 45 minutes to replace the tire, as opposed to backtracking eight hours. I shared that he should be even more on the lookout for God Winks on the rest of his trip. Bob is now reading his copy of “When God Winks at You” with more enthusiasm than ever!
I encourage you to get a copy of this amazing book. You can buy it at Amazon for just over $13 or pay only $7.97 at Barnes & Noble, either in-store or online. You will be amazed at all the ways that God winks at you throughout the day!
#bobtallman #whengodwinksatyou #squirerushnell #brokendown #tucumcari #aaa